Remedial work Tatworth

Sometimes the thatch needs to be disturbed in order to exit vents, or wiring and pipework. This week in Tatworth as we swept around the valley we came to the central heating vent. This had been well fitted with no damage to the old coatwork, however it would have been impossible for the builder to fit a sub-frame beneath the flashing with the old coatwork in place. Now that we have revealed the eaves we can remedy this:

Fitting slates around the vent will support the flashing and prevent it from sagging and allowing water to pool.

So now the flashing and vent can be returned to their place. We also added a course of slates along the whole eave where the slate roof meets the thatch. This forms a better overlap beneath the eaves of the thatch as some of the slates had cracked or broken. Finally we can tie in our eaves wads using the new batten where the old has become brittle or broken.

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